Photo Editing is an essential part of photography, enhancing the overall mood and injecting feelings into the photo.
Apart of enhancing and correcting the photo, we can also add in our mood into the photo. For me, I love to add a little bit of dreamy/majestic feel in the photo while keeping subject sharp. Brighten up the shadow and the overall photo.
Scroll down to see some of the Before & After photo of my work.
For Landscape Photography, sometimes we bump into dull and boring weather when we reach the photography spot. Sky is a crucial element of landscape photography.
Beautiful sky can dramatically change the feeling of the photo.
However, it would require manipulating the photo in Photoshop/Luminar with Sky Replacement Tool. Replacing the sky in the scene, and well, welcome to the magical world of Photoshop!
In the digital world of photography, it is not too complicated to do it. Scroll down to see some of the photo with Sky Replacement and you will be amaze with the results.
Personally, I rarely manipulate my photo much except to remove distractions and unwanted stuffs in the photo that might distract the focus of my viewer. I would just enhance and correct the photo, injecting my own mood and feelings into my photos.
Photo Editing is based on personal preferences. If you would like to learn more on Photo Editing, check out my Lightroom CC Photo Editing Course on Udemy!
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